Welcome regular readers and not so much, this is my blog of interesting things, any opinion expressed in it is of those who emit them and does not represent the ideas of the channel.

I am a great consumer of series, on several occasions I have wanted to dedicate my life to film production, but I am still studying, I prefer series to movies, because since stories are told in a better way, the necessary time is given For the course of a story, the characters and their way of seeing the world are known much better, on the other hand, one learns a lot when the series are in other languages.
Under this premise I want to present with you two series, for now, because I can continue with the subject for a long time.

I chose these series because I love the art direction that both present.

The Handmaid's Tale is a series in production,
this in its third season issued, produced by Universal and Hulu Studios with Elisabeth Moss as the lead actress, based on a 1985 dystopian novel by Margaret Atwood.
It presents a world where the birth rate decreased to the point that children are protected like a treasure, women are blamed for the use of contraceptives and lesbianism, that problem leads to a revolution in the United States, where the president is overthrown and A religious regime is established, where homosexuals, scientists and Catholics are persecuted, fertile women are also forced to serve as servants (they are forced to have sexual acts to impregnate new children, giving birth and sent to another house to re-fertilize) of the most affluent political classes in the country. The story presents Offred, a maid loses her name and acquires the name of the commander she was serving at the time, a girl who among memories lives the moment of revolution, as the country was before, the freedoms they had, as everything was of Little by little without realizing it, she also remembers when she tries to escape to Canada with her daughter, but they are captured and her only motivation is to find her again.

The second series that I recommend as a history lover is Chernobyl, it is a 5-episode miniseries produced by HBO and SKY in 2019, it is based on the book Voices of Chernobyl told by the Belarusian Nobel Prize winner Svetlana Aleksievich, who gathers stories of the citizens of Prípiat, in the period of the accident. In the series we can see how the whole accident was faced, the cause, the movements of the Soviet Union to minimize the problem and how it affected citizens and the environment. The fidelity to the period of time is appreciated in all areas, I can not say anything else that they see them because it is spectacular.


  1. Those two series are in my list of series that i need to see, but i don't know, the quarantine makes me sad and anxious so i'm seeing things that makes me happy haha maybe now i will start seeing my list and definitely i will start with some of these two series.

  2. I always tell myself that I have to see Chernobyl, I have heard such good reviews of that series

  3. I'm interested in watching Chernobyl, for two reason. The first, I like series who their plot is about history or something base on real events and the second I like the fact that it has few chapters lol, in general I find it difficult to watch very long series. I hope to start soon watch Chernobyl, thanks for the recommendation :)

    1. here you have for see you need to enter with you university mail


  4. I had never heard of The Handmaid's Tale, but if its protagonist is Elisabeth Moss it must be very good! Chernobyl is such a great series.

  5. WOO!! I want to see this series as well, but the time is not on my side right now... pwp
    I hear some parts of Chernobyl no represent the 100% of the history registrate of the incident, so I want to verified myself.

  6. I always wanted to see Chernobyl but I never adapt my times, even so, what you say makes me want to see it even more. c:

    att: Joaco

  7. I want to see The Handmaid's Tale <3 I've seen references in other things before haha, but my bestie told me to read the book first cause she did that before watching the series

  8. I saw The handmaid's Tale and it's amazing! I really loved it and I introduce it to my sister, who also loved it. Chernobyl I haven't seen it, but I've heard it's really good, When I have time I'll watch it.

  9. Everyone recommends me Chernobyl, it seems that I will have to listen to them and see it as soon as I can


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