English language challenges

Greetings to all readers, we come back to the end of this second  season blog with an interesting topic such as the English language.

Understand the language for its supremacy for more than two centuries first by the colonization of large territories by the England crown and later to be colonized again by the bastard children of the Englands, the so-called "Americans".

It is good to recognize that English is not my mother language, my brain did not develop the first years listening to people speak in English, but on the contrary, Spanish developed in my brain and made me see the world that way, for one that he speaks it daily is easy but it is not so we have enough obstacles to speak in our language, which makes me feel a kind of pride, now I also realized that I learned to understand English by being exposed to it, when to My house came the internet, new languages ​​arrived, of course English especially, at that time I started to listen to more music in English (which I already did with my father) but now more, also to see series and full movies in English , but subtitled of course, and a couple of years ago I began to understand what the actors said before the subtitle appeared, I became aware that my brain could translate and speak a couple of things in English, I know I have a lot to learn , many words rules and rules of the language, the way in which something is written but my friend google is always there to get me out of my doubts, since my dictionary of English-Spanish remained in the last century.

All this made me realize that one of the best ways to learn a language is to be in constant contact with it, with time (a lot) you will learn more.

I currently use English to speak alone (which I do a lot), or I repeat phrases from movies with my family or to communicate with my fans around the world, or clients, like when I was selected to be published in Australia. ;)



  1. you're not the only one that speaks alone in english! im used to do it aswell , i speak french and english and sometimes unwittingly i think or speak alone on those languages, it is very useful to practice

  2. I repeat phrases too!!!! jajajajaaj.... I laugh for that, because when I watch a movie with someone, I think upsets them..

  3. wooo you have a publication in Australia????!!! that’s crazy, I have one friend how is an English speaker but only write each other, so my writing became so fast lately. You now when you most understand a language you start to thing in that language? like I don't know how to explain this... you think in English sometimes with complex phrases in your mine without notice, but I’m still failed to speak English properly.


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